09. Quiz: Integers and Floats

int vs. float

In the fishy situation below, some of the quantities are of type int and some are of type float. Check all the ones that should be of type float.

  • Length of a fish you caught, in meters
  • Length of time it took to catch the first fish, in hours

Divide By Zero?

What happens if you divide by zero in Python? Try it out! Test run this code and see what happens.

Start Quiz:


Here's what you should have seen when you submitted the Divide by Zero code above:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/vmuser_tnryxwdmhw/quiz.py", line 1, in

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero```

Traceback means "What was the programming doing when it broke"! This part is usually less helpful than the very last line of your error. Though you can dig through the rest of the error, looking at just the final line ZeroDivisionError, and the message says we divided by zero. Python is enforcing the rules of arithmetic!

In general, there are two types of errors to look out for

  • Exceptions
  • Syntax

An Exception is a problem that occurs when the code is running, but a 'Syntax Error' is a problem detected when Python checks the code before it runs it. For more information, see the Python tutorial page on Errors and Exceptions.